How much does it cost to sell tickets on Adticket, Eventim or Eventbrite?
To sell event tickets there are already a lot of comfortable solutions like Eventbrite , AdTicket , Eventim and many more. However, as convenient as the sale of tickets may be with the providers, you as the event organizer usually also have to pay hefty fees to the respective platform.
The fees due vary in amount, but are usually calculated on a pro-rata basis of the ticket prices. In return, the large ticket platforms also offer a wide range of functions, such as seat reservation based on the seating plan, sending hard tickets by mail, integrated public transport tickets, etc.
Examples of ticket fees:
- Eventbrite: Up to 5.5% + €0.99 per ticket sold
- AdTicket: Up to 15% + approx. 1.00 € per ticket sold
- Eventim: Up to 15% + approx. 1,00 € per ticket sold
- TicketPay: Up to 2.10% + €0.99 per ticket sold
If a promoter is forced to pay this high fee for each ticket sold, its profit margin shrinks as the number of tickets sold increases.
However, event organizers have another option: to run their own ticketing website, which allows them to avoid this expensive commission fee.
Sell tickets on your own
For many ticket sellers, the high fees are often an unnecessary obstacle. Another problem is that the platforms like Eventbrite, AdTicket, etc. often also contact the newly acquired customers directly after the purchase. Thus, as a salesperson, you do not have your own customers at hand at all.
As an alternative to the above platforms, you can also simply sell your event tickets yourself and without paying any commission at all. But before you go the rocky road and have your own website developed for it, you can also simply use an existing and free store system.
This is how it works with our Shopware plugin
Here again it is worthwhile to fall back on ready-made solutions: One possibility is the ticket sale via Shopware represents. With the plugin developed by us Plugin Tickets for Shopware you can sell event tickets with a few clicks through your own Shopware store.
The plugin generates a freely designable PDF Print@Home ticket after payment by the customer. Event organizers can scan and validate the QR code on the ticket at the entrance using our free Ticket scanner app and validate it. Tickets can be personalized at the time of purchase, the personalized name is printed on the ticket as well as displayed in the scanner app
Tip: For further automation, you can also automatically send your customers a PDF invoice invoice after payment.